Summer 2003

Volume 42:2

Catholicism in American Culture II

Editor’s Corner
Leo D. Lefebure

The African American Catholic Experience
Cyprian Davis, OSB

Doing Black Ca tho lie Theology: Rhythm, Structure, and Aesthetics
M. Shawn Copeland

A Small Island in a Vast Sea: Theological Reflections on African American Catholic Experience
Jessica Wormley

1963 March on Washington and Catholic Participation
Martin Zielinski

Classical Forms of Islam
Leo D. Lefebure

A Vision of Hope for Gay Catholics
Donal Godfrey, SJ

Celibacy in the Earl y Church: By Force of Circumstances
J. Gerald Steenken

The Wisdom of Jesus: Gospel Reflections:
Self-Interest in the Teaching of Jesus
What Does lt Mean to Say: “Wisdom ls Justified by Her Children”?
The Syro-Phoenician Woman: “Only to the House of Israel”
John J. Kilgallen, SJ